Archives by Entry
This is where you can find anything that I've ever written in my blog, every single one of the entries.
Open media vault
New world record
Twelve years
Origin of Kiffin
Burn down this world
It isn't
Self mastery
Jong tegen Oud 2024
Like any other primitive would
Stanford Donnor Reunion
Tegen par
Log cabin
Tress of the emerald sea
Two thirds of a century
Mistborn Trilogy
Upcoming champs
Three body problem
Two birdies in a row
Eleven is the magic number
Never too late
Tap, tap, tap ...
Become a Three.js developer
Minds and machines
ThinkPad P14s Gen 4 freezes on shutdown
Jong tegen Oud
Just call me Fred
Not bad for an old man
Foggy morning
I almost died
Tot ziens oma
Awesome and incredible
Seven handicap
Chipping skills
Eighteen holes
Golf tips
Ecological disaster
De Koepel
The old man who couldn't stop running
Imaginary barbed wires
What does ChatGPT really have to offer?
2e plaats
Heren 27-holes hoofdklasse
Radio paradise
I need your help
My new racing machine
Disaster strikes
Costa Rica
Golfbaan Bentwoud
Ten years
Not bad
Passing away
Number theory
Angular CSV to Material Table
Time to call it a day
Say goodbye to Twitter
Nice video (again)
New avatar
Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen 3 external monitor hdmi not detected
Vienna again
tsi3 4 wood
Gran Canaria
Old hiking boots
1995 was a great year
ThinkPad T14 Gen 3
TSi3 Driver
Tante Rina
Princenbosch Senior Open 2022
21 years ago
12th floor
Princenbosch Open 27 holes
Suburban art
The Outer Limits
Little spider
OSD Locked
Life comes before death
Golf team
Old picture
KPN Rotterdam
Escape room
4th grade
1976 El Gabilan Salinas High Year Book
Stress and anxiety
Ik geef
Safe and secure
Sitting alone
Jong tegen Oud 2021
Chipping practice
AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Graphics
Two birdies and a double-bogie
Fear of spiders
Walk in Drenthe
Two bad holes
Small stone on the road
Freshman roommate
Fever rush
Build your own
Puzzle time
Vaccinatie tegen corona
Don't chew your thumb
In good hands
Round and round we go
My domain belongs to me
Father son tournament
e is irrational
Bye Max
Eight years
456 million miles
Sorry about the hiatus
Repeat last change
Life at a startup
Getting deaf
Old lady
Spy amongst us
Still brothers after all these years
Grand strategy game
The platform for clinical knowledge
Senior Championship
Ups and downs
What they promised
New job
Near miss
Last trip to tulsa
Happy birthday JavaScript
Embedding Rust in NodeJS applications
Learning from difficulty
Finally golf again
Groene Hart
Stuck at home
Database hack
Shadow within
Creating a Pixel Platformer in HTML5
What you control
Napoleon the Great
Quote of the week
HDMI displayport sound delayed on restart
Construct 3
Array tally
A fun day in Gent
Last thoughts
No respect
Web components
Angular architectures for enterprise applications
I don't fear death
Data transfer object (DTO)
Another beard
Jong tegen oud
Keep on sporting
Failed to qualify
Interesting challenges
Callaway X Forged Utility Driving Iron
Nice walk
Castles burning
Why we think we're not worthy
Neil Young again
Another thick book
Ninety years old
Trip to Croatia
Quick dip
For the first time
Uitslag Clubkampioenschap Tegen Par
Nice mural
Achter de Wolken Schijnt de Zon
Erratic golf
How is it possible?
La Palma
More does not mean better
Middle of nowhere
Big day
Toilet fixed
Running with the wolves
In the middle of nowhere
Jam pot falling
Is this reality?
Sixty-one and counting
Full stack developer
Third place
Suffer consequences
Monster drive
Openingswedstrijd Senioren Dames & Heren
Goodbye dear mother
Greek myths retold
Broke eighty
Fun and interesting workshop
Code rood
Give me strength
First snow
First week at COIN
Another month at Europeana
String of coincidences
Painted hands
Atlassian marketplace
Ubuntu 17.10
Dare to articulate feelings
Assembla to Jira Migration
Human highway
Next zone coming
Enthusiastic full-stack web developer
Goodbye Luca
One hundred years old
Pencil and paper
Slightly older and not yet over the hill
Ride My Llama
Cease trying to impress
High grass around the green
Even more Haskell
Long weekend in London
Zombie country
Simple doesn't mean easy
Practice makes perfect
Time to get serious
Extreme rationality is itself irrational
Grass is growing
Heat wave exercise
Absoluut geen eendagsvlieg
Verkeersovertreding begaan
Slowly improving again
Back in the swing of things
Phone call
Ember, Rails and JSON-API
Putting mat
Perfectionist trap
Perfectionist trap
Late afternoon
Free trade or protectionism?
Meaning of life
Listen to me Marlon
Sneeuw zorgt voor problemen
Frozen crystals
Winter is coming
Captain of the ship
Two weeks
Trump wins
Indian headdress
Birth of the United States Air Force
Mom and me
Word of the day
Haskell illogical
Craftsman tools
Slotwedstrijd heren senioren
Something hidden
Traffic jam
Future famous golfer
Killed during a dogfight
Middleman heroku basic
California again
Building functions
Luiten wins
Gish offspring
Handicap going up
Nice shot
Solved 1 out of 566 problems
Winter bird
Garage wall has been painted
PureScript is better
This blog is 15 years old
Haskell all over the place
Shoe dilemma
Fifteen years later
What holds you back?
Long time no see
Learn elixir and phoenix
Painted forest
Shuffling objects is easier than you think
Code orange
Three interlocking rectangles
Speaking Javascript
In pursuit of excellence
Express in action
Greensome ladder competition
Openingswedstrijd Heren Senioren
Company card
Three under
Heren 1 Team
Next generation
Four birdies on one hole
Golf muscles
A function called J
| launched
Three generations
Prediction is hard
The first cut is the deepest
Vacuuming the house
Confused nature
Exalt beautiful code
Limiting factors for success
Happy new year 2016
Healthy life again
Absent minded
Travel alert
Millions of leaves
No different from the others
Life of imperfection
We are not any better
Fifteen years ago
Without any three putts
Smartphone takeover
Ebook mania
Dog party
Ryder Cup 2015
Five digit number
Jong tegen oud
Close call
One hundred and fifty thousand
Lowest handicap
Rijnmond Open 2015
Nearly a hole-in-one
Phoenix a web framework for the new web
Last slice of cake
Golfing maniac
Fast feedback
NGF Maandbeker op Cromstrijen
Decide at the last possible moment
RESTful Rails Development
Made it to the final day
De pan
Tournament that never was
Dutch senior open
Thirty-five years ago
Clubkampioenschappen Strokeplay 2015
kiffin dot nl
Planet claire
Can't putt anymore
Distant light
Recipe for success
Behind a tree
Early to rise
Buddha shrine
Back to work
Mathematical methods
Heren 1 Team
Masters 2015
Beetje moeizaam
Early morning sunshine
Distant past
Pipe operator
Bridge to the moon
Definition of
Dit heb ik gekocht
Lucky tees
rm -rf node_modules etc.
List comprehensions
Absence of side effects
Valuable tips
Scalability and fault tolerance
Free lunch no more
Paralysis by analysis
Winter moon
No time to lose
Nuked facebook
Move your app
Object methods
Short movie
Dance this mess around
Fate is calling
Barrage of questions
Prijzen en winnaars
New research about cancer
More books
Which one?
Bone bruise
Staring at the screen
Awesome and cool
So far so good
Minus one and a half
Ladder Greensome at The Dutch
Time warp
Hybrid feels good
Never too old to learn new stuff
Aangeboden door K
Disable image caching
Monument valley
Navy man
Philae's landing
Routes, controllers, models, etc.
Darker earlier
Promise me
Nut tree inn
Golf team again
Riding a solex
Worldwide epidemic
Golf is a science
Names on the wall
Four thousand pages
Ninety-eight years ago
Liemeer Open
Zarafa Tour
Bad knee
Rijnmond Open
New putter grip
Death of a comedian
Being vulnerable is alright
Knee injury
Eagle and four bogies
Dag van Nationale Rouw
Callaway X2 Hot Irons
Clubkampioenschap Tegen Par
Third place
Tied for twenty-fourth
Starting work
Back from Madeira
Dutch Senior Open
Club championship
Practice makes perfect
ZCP 7.1.10 final
Seventy years ago
Loud thump
Callaway X2 Hot Pro Driver
Even par after twelve holes
Almost last place
Mindful stop
Having never really lived
Broken url links using google chrome
Putting in the hole
What are values
Cannot upload file
Practice or not?
Sawing wood again
Feast of crows
Worst round of the year
Recipe for success
Part of history
Senior JavaScript Web Developer
About twenty
To get away
Choke down in bunker
Faster technological progress
Definition of done
Early morning golf
Slight popping sound
Survival through negativity
Moving to Amsterdam
Effective thinking
Cinnamon girl
Exclusive interview
Mother nature
No golf today
Virtualbox very sluggish
Cutting corners
Shaking off the shanks
Gaggia coffee machine
Hit the green for five bucks
Ubuntu on the Thinkpad
Computer networks
Don't let it bring you down
Number shuffle
Last day of the year
A new laptop
More than three weeks
Rails helpers
Shortest day of the year
Raspberry Pi camera
Simple progress bar
False sense of security
Cover and modify
Embrace change
Background image as list bullet
Powered by page
Stack level too deep
Breaking bad habits
The president has been shot
Crazy about ruby
Thick fog
Random banner
Reasonable living
Buried alive
Appending two lists
Thirteen years ago
Very same handicap
True leadership
More practice
Don't feel too confident
Tall tall shadow
Raspberry Pi webserver
Seven days in a row
Davilex Open 2013
No more shanks
Another techie toy
Address the ball (with confidence)
Ninety-six years
Sugar and spice
Rivulets of blood
Not part of the deal
Anything is possible
A Song of Ice and Fire
Throwing away the past
Driving back and forth
Golf sucks again
Improving daily work
NK Matchplay Heren
Latest searches
Home office
True leadership
Challenging job
Nine hole meltdown
New television
Magic in my heart
Open Strokeplay Kampioenschap van Rotterdam
Wildly improbable
First annual 54-hole marathon
Fullness of soul
Third place
Neil Young at the Ziggo Dome
Truly modern company
Gish kids eating out
DevOps Summit London
Proud warriors
Terrible day of golf
You can finally comment again
Criss-cross sky
My wife becomes a millionaire
Slight swing adjustments
Winter light
Fabric of the universe
Golf no matter what
Walking the tightrope
Golfing in the snow
Cracked in half
Endless cycle of improvement
Three phases of life
Let the good times roll
The more I practise
Recordspits door sneeuwval
USS Meade revisited
Driving to work
Good-bye old friend
First round of golf
Neil Young at Ziggo Dome
My iPhone
She has the fire
Easier said than done
Top five regrets of the dying
Hitting balls again
First snow
Another driver in the family
Working things out
Ramada inn, she loves him so
Whole being
Alot to learn
From certainty to curiosity
Integrated problem solving
Looking around
Autumn leaves
Back pains
Big-bang release
Passed away twelve years ago
Luca is six years old
Good-bye Sylvia
From NAND to Tetris
Creating new products
Golf round that never happened
Cool, calm and collected
Lowest handicap ever
Fourth place
Time to go home
Voting for the second time
Driving back home
Nearest worlds and change
Why we die
Defending champion
Rijnmond Open 2012
Open club face
Tropische hitte
Decide as late as possible
Giving up the game
Time to go
Almost an eagle
Parallel world
Spark of enlightenment
Eleven years ago
Everything comes and goes
Love lies bleeding in my hands
One year ago and a day
Sliver of blue
First day of summer
Seven principles of lean software development
When everything unravels
Bertrand Russell's Ten Commandments
Let your muscles do the work
Atheros wifi driver
Blink of the eye
Last day in California
Lightning fast greens
Slight drizzle but good enough for golf
Back in California
Time to go home
Running against the wind
Getting flayed alive
Last day of the year
Clojure one-liner
Trusting yourself
Remembering and then forgetting
Running in the cold
Back to the real world
Mysterious clouds
Daily run
Too much fog
The intuitive mind is a sacred gift
Never too cold to golf
Coincidental gathering of thoughts
Prototypal Inheritance
Kiffin dies for freedom
Ninety-four years and counting
Putting is completely mental
Lunatech fearsome foursome
The Law of Least Effort
Ancient putter is miraculous
Early morning golf
Craziest nine holes ever
How to putt
Bright and dandy and dashed
Even par again after all these years
Not afraid of death
Another Affirmation
Balanced time perspective
Another Kiffin named after Kiffin
Moving forward
High-speed train
First round of the year
De Hans Kruis bokaal
Happy New Year
Another year ahead
Lots of snow
Quickest route
If it hurts
Winter time
One way to get here
The pro fixed my swing
Near death on the driving range
Fundamental problems
Keeping abreast of mobile apps
MooseX declare and method signatures
Putt slightly higher
Roller coaster golf
Ineffable uniqueness of suffering
Unfortunate chain of events
The waters will part
Ramble on
Golf in Portugal
Complicated technology brings music
Right or left
Another Perl project
Urgent is not urgent anymore
A walk along the Keizersgracht
Popularity is fickle
Where was Kiffin really buried?
Going to Portugal
A human language
Smart match operator
Where is everyone?
Almost a perfect round
Meaningful quotations
Brandnetels everywhere
Keep going
Messed up script
Don't run this command
Secret location
Stellar round of golf
Decisions come and go
Five ways to get it
Ball out of the thick rough
Golfing champs
Just three years
Easy shot
Rotterdam blitz
Just feel it
Webcam rightside up
Giant Gannt Chart
Zombies in the train
Wrong ball, damn
Golf team
Pars and bogies
Volcanic ash
Putting lightly
Duffing chips
Under the rainbow
Shift left
Funny story
Communicating properly
Favorite shot
Stupid light-pole
Enjoy life
Gale-force winds
Secret powers
No more winter greens
Champion of Scotland
Sticky keyboard
Perl on steroids
Seventh Dutch Perl Workshop
Relevant experience
No comment
Magic white pills
Amazing comeback
Coming and going
Painful shoulder
Stars die
Who's late?
Practice and get lucky
Cobweb of cracks
Better luck next time
Greenest nations on Earth
Can't notify daemon
Email from Captain Ted Anderson
Gripping the club
Right then and there
Lots of snow out there
The Gish family has a military history???
The Rover
Dream on
Winter gloves
Magic of youth
When golf balls look like snowflakes
Beware of errant spaces
Leave Tiger alone
Darkness is approaching
Incessant flicker
New spikes
Honing golf skills
Man nodding and book falling
Two trivial tasks
Realistic affirmation
Normal time
Muddy golfing dilemma
Like a hurricane
Leather hat and beads
Many faces of bash
Watching people watching people
Defecte bovenleiding
Big bag and push cart
Boring train
Six under par
Largish round numbers
Pouring down rain
Last week's potatoes
use autodie
Key to the gates
Weird Dutch characters
Lua and Perl
Hooligan in the Tram
Leaves on the green
Some questions
Where are all the Perl books?
Very first hole
Enthusiastic team
Is &DB::DB defined?
Bash one-liner using Template Toolkit
Not always
The world which surrounds us
More distance
Ten million dollars
Vouwwagen for sale
Those mighty hits
Stop pulling the ball to the left
Everything is numbers
Surrounded by bombs
When in doubt yell fore
Really mobile
Pure chaos
Costa Brava
Stray birds
Avoiding failure
Lua is about right
Reboot notification
Escape from the the grip of the earth
Spinning enterprise-capable solutions
Catalyst book
Bruno the movie
Perl and scrum
Twitter, Movable Type and blog tweeting
Practice makes less perfect
Yet another text message
Moose, mixins and stuff
Screaming kids
Moved to Amsterdam Center
Is Perl conducive to agile development?
Perfect birdie
Sunny days ahead
Offering advice
Farrah Fawcett
Faking email
Del-key unstuck
Managed virtual servers
Sawing wood
Long changed
Gaps of silence
Fell into the water
Ben Hogan Golf Swing
Sticky masking tape
Too positive is not good
Testing should be fun
Foot tapper
Addicted to golf
Painting the dakkappel
Anything can happen
Error opening /dev/pf
Falling down
Array to hash
Rotate better
Rolling around on dead fish
Cannot breath
Nodding off
Don't want to die
Historic telephone call
Padre works
Dependency nightmare
Yanking the ball to the left
When I die
Invalid value
Wrong book
Warn out shoes
Walking the dog
Shameful beard
Update CPAN modules
Array one liner replacement
Iron man blogging challenge
How many modules?
Overcompensating to the left
Three weeks later
Leaves in the rain gutters
Del-key keeps sticking
Birdie on the first hole
AR242x driver ASUS X59SL Ubuntu 8.10 MadWifi
Directory called tilde
Disappearing panels
Predisposed to depression
Where's the $#@%! wireless connection?
Perl books
Computer-mediated therapy
Reading chair
First birdie of the year
Yawn completely
Sixty-two days
Luca in the water
Meaningful structure
Filled with pins
No more shanks
Cleaning windows
Online therapy
Golfing again
MSI U100 Wind Notebook
Sea of thunder
Financial crisis
25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about me
Computer virus
Early morning shower
Mailing assistant
Plane crash
Financial crisis
First three minutes
Off with the beard
Nine year old boy
Serenity and insolence
Buy books
Thinking positively
So far away
Holding hands
How to sink faster
Broken driver
Perfect job
Some extra cash
This doesn't look good
Attack risks early
Lazy man's flash
Back online
Murdered children
Inserting strings
My heart is still pumping
Random entry
Hamas go home
Time to upgrade
Cheating death
Giant moon
Frozen solid
Random link
Stay positive
Don't cuss
Not a number
Fn and Ctrl keys
Long time no see
Accidental discovery
Other kiffins
Loud crash
Dealing with death
TomTom launches online route planner
Bike accident
Bad luck day
Snow flurry
Best I ever had
Getting dark
God is liefde
Eight years ago today
Stand absolutely still
Virtual Windows
Too many leaves
Good-bye Windows Vista
Like a rope let down from heaven
New challenges on the horizon
Intrepid ibex
Just squeeze in
Very same book
Interesting challenge
New laptop
Millions of those gadgets
Crossing the finish line
Sliced big toe
Completed by another hand
Powerful editor
Dam tot Damloop
Average relaxed golfer
Lost my favorite golfing cap
The Epiphany of the False Priest
Almost penalized
Computer books
Squashed slugs
Evening bike trip
Startpagina verkeer
Game plan
Dream machine
Scratchy mass
Interdependence of phenomena
Upgraded blog
Novacaine is not for me
Almost a hole-in-one
Aneurysm in my elbow
Mulitlingual callcenter agent
Ryder cup
Dutch handicap
Two weeks of fun and relaxation
What time is
Dry lake
Wet fairways
Battle of Wesnoth
Biking in Amsterdam
Buddhist golfer
Things do exist
Snowing on the links
First birdie
Too much wind
Ready to join
Connection dropped
Queen's birthday
Snoring loudly
Fun in Australia
Brute force attack
Time to change
Shrike lives on
Anonymous self
Scaling storage
The hour of death is uncertain
Laptop fixed
TomTom beats Garmin
TomTom's secrets
Warmer climates than this
One boundary or another
Train porn
Waiting here
Laptop busted
Fun in Barcelona
Truly amazing irons
Spring in action
Still a rock star
Boring experience
One lousy asterisk
Gnome desktop upgrade
Subtle reverberation
Accuracy counts
Time to get up
Big ugly wart
There she flies
Stations galore
Genius dog
Sweet shots
Cherry trees
Seven dog years
Three hundred thousand
Going down under
Half a century
Off to Barcelona
Mumbo jumbo
Fairway woods
Poor guy over there
Whatever that may be
Cycling in darkness
First-time visitors
From slice to draw
Full metro length
First time since he died
Nice driver
Mighty swing
Amazing miracles
Younger years
Dying young
Small world
Time to golf again
Goodbye summer
We're back
Fun and relaxing
Couple hours
Begging for money
Blind guy again
More ways to skin ajax
Partially completed
Kids nowadays
Crick in the neck
Reflected reality
Shaped like a spearhead
Tough luck
Lost my way
Nearly impossible
Uneven or odd
Tracer bullet
APCUPSD working again
Luca is a dog
Complex project
Agile planning
Remote dialing
New car
Lots of graffiti
Nitin Sawhney
Escape from religion
Scrum master
Another record
Unpredictable world environment
Fatal server error
The God Delusion
Upgrade mess
Seems to be
Warmish sun beating down
Can of beer
Kuhnian view
Slightly different
Overlapping worlds
Wacko mouse wheel
Amazing history
Gorilla escapes
Subtle knife
Web map service
Simply added
Wind through the trees
Twenty years ago
First day (again)
Mother day
Pretty healthy
Clean ears
Travel time
Save Internet radio
Edge of the world
American food in Reeuwijk-Dorp
Point in space
Fictional meetings
Almost a record
Still hope
Random entry
Coughing and spitting
Driest month ever
Testing one two three
Dog's head and wagging tail
Leading role
Bound to happen
Proceed at the moment
Only three years old
Bijzonder warm
Seatbelts are useless
Hello Mr. Gish
Familiar places
Enkele Wiericke
Lekkere pannenkoeken
Standing outside
Old moon fades
Smoke screen
Whisper together
Making gnome-terminal even better
Yet another traffic jam
Exit status
Kids over there
Shaking hands
Fear of cars
Main push living together
Little known fact
Fat guy running
In the waiting line
Orange ball setting
In the light
Recover lost wifi
Tux droid
Chewed up glasses
Neighbor's party
During the walk
Shiny hole
No more windmill
Second day FOSDEM
First day FOSDEM
Be careful
Black tower
Personal perception
Baby in a box
Raising kids
Scattered moments in time
Luca in the snow
Heavy checkmark
Language flow
Clean-up ports
Good-bye Anna
Breathe me
The wreckage
Keyboard shortcut
The men mourned deeply
Take it easy
A number of alternatives
Discovered or not
Trip around the world
Accepting comments
Installing Komodo IDE 4.0 on FreeBSD
Winking reflex
Yet another misconception
What do you mean?
Yet another wonderful upgrade
Survived again
Initial steps
Flash plugin
Interesting project
Returning home
In the nick of time
Nel mezzo
Degrees C
Dutch history
Not wrong
Son and niece
Let me say
Koffie belangrijke arbeidsvoorwaarde
Somewhere high
See your feathers preen
Other day
Another curious tic
Just under the freezing point
Gusting winds
Not enough room
Quick sand of reality
Missing menus
Tired of Sleeping
Slowing down
Every morning
One hundred thousand visitors
Ugly fat
Shoes falling apart
Ever so subtly
Evening sky
Not a prime number
Human-like sounds
Standing there
Don't Bring Me Down
Since whatever
In the middle of nowhere
Right between the eyes
No more buzzing
So much easier
Important game
Deceleration and the body
Very last paragraph
There we were
New auto
This or that
Lennart in LA
CORBA basics
Just supposing
Hard to believe
Once in a while
Little display
Hacking and clearing thoat
Flirting with time
Mad rush
Forget and forgive
Getting older
White plastic connector
Speeding by
When others die
Dutch passport
Center of town
Format it whatever
Bron-y-aur Stomp
Threatening sky
Glancing at the time
Ninety thousand
Three aggravations
View from below
Long time gone
Afraid of rain
Wacko server
Many raindrops
What's next?
Guy walking
Down South
Komodo broken
Country girl
Too short
Movable Type 3.31
Canon IXUS 750
Great idea
Back again
Hero or not
Maybe Tomorrow
Yet another programming language
Drops of rain
Shadow of the Wind
Getting to wherever
Near miss
Making progress
Train back home
Dutch countryside
Tired Of Sleeping
Nothing new
Another suitcase
Can't wait
For what they really are
Server name not in referer
Having a great time
Gnome back to normal
Eighty thousand
See you later
Gnome very sluggish
Otherwise cloudy day
Two weeks ago
Living with war
Digital readout
They stretch nicely
Half Dutch
Burnsall bridge
Wrong side of the road
Family visit
Stuck in the airport
Shortish sojourns
Digital media world
Left or right
Yorkshire hospitality
Soma space station
Short but sweet
Harmonic analysis
Now or never
Hacker be gone
Next big thing
Computer glasses
Escaping justice the hard way
Small miracles every day
Use the stairs
Just another house
Crete again
Helping by not helping
Couple of snowflakes
BSD talk
Sporting is bad
Javascript anyone
Nameless scalars
Other side of the road
Too much wax
Different job
New shoelaces
West Yorkshire is a nice place
Queen of Light
Daily inspiration
Not quite impossible
Another birthday
Favorite characters
Virtual destructor
Hier werden we verliefd
Like a hurricane
Amazing discovery
Can't wait
Missing again
Find it not there
Thinking logically
Strenge vorst
Rule of three
To not to communicate
Do not turn back
Thank you go in peace
Do not grow up
Smothered to death
Give to radio paradise
One or the other
Another haircut
Available or not
All go for komodo pro
Recursion is recursive
His dark materials
Sabien grows up
Lots to learn
Friendship considered
Most comments
Happy new year
Waiting for next year
Index out of range
Upgrade successful
Great management tool
Don't try this at home
Poking backs and wedging elbows
Sixty thousand and counting
Yet another interesting blog
Whoever you are
Same old fears
First snow again
Conflicts with installed packages
Too many books
Still looking
Random sized links
Bron-y-aur Stomp
A serious life
There was this
Twelve plus eleven plus thirty
Lots of music but black as night
Perling in Amsterdam
Thousands of visitors
ICE-unix must be root owned
UPS and running
Two weeks later
No utf-8 for me
Get your point across
Bmindful or not
Faster and faster
Pipe frenzy
Fifteen years of guilt
Scrolling your life away
Imaginary unevenness
Metcalfe's Law
Sharp knife
Fun while it lasted
New civilization
Oh really O'Reilly
Dank u nogmaals
Deep throat
First email message
Fifteen years younger
Whipped again
Ding dong ding
Random string
That's my bike
Slicing hashes
A dog named Kyffin
Simon says
Bury me on the lone prairie
Throwing up is cool
Half-empty wallet
Template toolkit
Still miss him
What to measure
Bucephalas is soothed
Soap and all
Nothing to complain about
Advantage and disadvantage
Thanks amazon
Thousands of lives
What we find
Future of telephony
Encapsulated cleverness
Better man
Painful handshake
Important decisions
Kelly gang
Clint's website
Another life for freedom
Forward or backward
Sparkling reflection
Butter on your head
Spammed to death
End of all suffering
Bulk package delete
Good-bye Gilligan
Best solution
Web server upgrade
Someone is calling
Simple slurping
Intersecting trajectories
Triple play
No need for novocaine
Another movable type upgrade
Welcome to Kiffin
One direction or the other
Apply transform
Just another commodity
Abruptly stopped
Another facelift
Nothing to eat
Keep us where we belong
Ideal sandwich
Back to work
Yet another day
Refreshed thoughts
Ready to go
Leaving for vacation
Bitter with life
Ninety-nine percent
Some time to think
When things creak and break
Frozen asleep
Only man in the house
Jagged rock and water
Electrocuted again
Just like that
Happy birthday mom
Missing out on the obvious
Other way around
Driven deep into nowhere
No way any more
Twenty-five years ago
Tobacco and alcohol smells
Draft Craft Manifesto
Blue Mars is back
Long live the queen
A teasing wink
Not so distant future
Finally sunny again
Take it
Wait and see
Making your mind up
Crooked floor
Unified modelling language
Success and survival
Not knowing
Mechanical beings
Soap flower
Stump speech
Snoring loudly
So far so good
In that regard
Toughest challenge today
Tearing down the house
All these years
Life as a cyborg
World around you
More than courage
Time to go
Flash plugin up and running
Though gloriously dead
That's what you get
What they said
Not getting anywhere
Awkward dilemma
Lots of snow
Life father like son
Stone slab
Could be true
Once in a lifetime explosion
Difficult choices
Not frozen over
A tap just in case
Relived experiences
Fantastic finish
Toothbrush somersaults
Head hung low
Stiff as a board
Infinite possibilities
Crick in my neck
Hidden secrets
Deep recursion
Communication is fruitless
Another upgrade
Any time now
Day to day urgencies
Over there and back
Deconstructing inifinity
Doing a port upgrade
Out of the blue
History in Newport
Such generosity
Trillions of drifting atoms
North sea dip
Welcome to the real world
Before it is too late
Early morning fright
Holiday spirit
Productive day
Shortest day
Too many months away
Ideal tree
Tante Rina
Giant tidal waves
Gnome up and running
Near disaster
Moon crescent
Two years and two months
Surrounded by hackers
Rolling along
Drugstore binoculars
Something daring
Not so different
Unplugged train
Lots of hail
Back home
Accelerated darkness
Parasitic movements
Real tear-jerkers
Drive by shooting
Old pictures
It might rain today
Jogging at midnight
Many car accidents
Radio nederland
KSBW channel
Fast eaters
Running in the hills
Everything erased
Lifelong friends
French toast
Surprise birthday lunch
Change of weather
Bush wins
Nice feeling
Voting is underway
Sleeping away my vacation
Made it back
Bury the dead
Onwards and upwards
One millennium old
Chaos in the middle of nowhere
Greetings and vegetables
Success of the highest kind
Kiffin's Blog
Staring into nothingness
Educated folks
Similar differences
Two digits add up
All over for sure
Infinite darkness
Long lost episode
Just another spider
Unregistered Comment Moderation
Asleep in Amsterdam
Thanks Kiffin
Which Linux
Jung talk
Figures in a dream-play
Off to California again
Two weeks later
Rather be drenched
Having fun beta-testing
Reprogramming reality
Fatima needs money
Good-bye Julia
Run more quickly
Shake me
Pictures of Crete
Not running up to speed
My blog is slowly dying
Next stop or what
Almost future-famous
Gish kids in Phaestos
Pieces and puzzles
Back from Matala
Your whole life
Off to Crete
Contrary to your understanding
Crete will be here soon
Really happening
Just another lightning bolt
Quicksand or bottomless pit
Quality time with the kids
Genetic lottery
Balancing act
Part of nature's way
Ready to bloom
No time to write
Different similarities
Class musical
Keep on creating
Brain rummage
Rock and roll bum
MediaWiki and more
Creative mind
Extremely boring man
From left to right
Good-bye gishteq
Fish tycoon
Forty thousand and rising
Old lady with a fishbowl
The following day
For witch it stands
Bunch of bull frogs
Changing reality
Nodding off
Intelligent life
What I did not
Don't get worked up
Seven in the morning
Those visited most often
Waste of a weekend
Palm T3
My usual way
Thea's birthday
3D tour of the planets
Fix those screens
Most visited
Movable Type 3.0 Developer Edition
Nuclear crash
High risks
On the safe side
Releasing negative energy
Trains collide
Thirty-eight thousand
Blame yourself
Bound to happen
Kind of company
True of not
The place to be
Time to splurge again
We'd be elsewhere
Dutch soldier killed
No place for creator
Simple things
Fun while it lasted
So far so good
Three mile canyon
Food wise
I give up
More chickens
More medals please
Standing by the river
Nothing lasts forever
Are you an expert
Looking younger
Neck bones
This is the road
Way around and doubling back
Get the job done
Reunion homecoming
Pulling me back
Obfuscated code
Not quite meant to be
Honest about it
Mud and axle-tree
Redding life
Reality testing
A voice from the past
Nothing is happening
Dog barking again
A bunch of children
Good-bye queen
Kirk hits seventy-three
A million atomic bombs
Keep a distance
Other things
Tough question
Unblessed again
Loud sneeze
Spiraling object
Just past the knee
Opa's fiets
Make the best and continue, young man.
Marlies my daughter
Thanks to Perl
Random button
Good with the bad
Go for it
Other way around
Busy preparing
Technology take two
Bunch of shapes
Getting pretty darn expensive
Whatever happens
A little bit different
Unawares it happened
Solution selling
Re-experience it
Eternal life
Golden dreams
Birds floating or not
The same person or not
Rearranging continuously
What it's like
The opposite is true
Next please
Tall grass swaying
Pulverized nescafe
Two more to go
Passend werk
Get your youth back
The better path
More snow
Six point four billion folks
Squeaky clean windows
Uncertain landscapes
Integers and strings
New C.G. Jung page
Exact positions
Make a lot of sense
Disappointed enough to kill
Soul movement
No comments
First run of the year
Two thousand and four
Plants all gone
Perfect gift idea
FeedDemon RSS Reader
Just hang around
Youthful philosopher
Kubrick 2001
Leave the driving (2)
Hanging moon
Almost too cold
Half-moved, half-terrified
Another elaboration
Life begging
Catch it is all
See you around
Altar of crude reality
Don't forget
Onwards into infinity
Different perspectives
Leave the driving (1)
Thirty-thousand and more
Different Kiffin
Obstacles get in the way
Three-pronged approach
Dropping into nowhere
Temple of longing
Spam radio
New perspective
Never too late
Another record
Think things out first
Kiffin in 3D
Better day
Serious drawback
Twenty-six thousand
Just be you
Finland of all places
Endless lists
Telephone rang
Bunch of mountains
Googled to death
Set things straight
Upon deeper reflection
Snow without looking
Scraping away again
Nine not ten
Thinking now
Twenty-five thousand
Running and running
Churning away
Be there or else
Kill comment spam
Kidnapped again
Pretty darn good
49 minutes plus
Venco Winegums
What next
Dare the circumstances
Spinning around
Raining and sunny
Business as usual
Break it up
Maslov's pyramid
Falling tree
Not death or hardship
Goofing around
I should of
Time flies
Insight versus courage
Afrit 11
Awash with colors
Shostakovich symphonies
Lousy sunday
Sorry I forgot
Thinking logically
More searches
Being normal
Being creative
Link toegevoegd
Werkloosheid blijft stijgen
SwishMax is out
Increasing exposure
Kort en bondig is not enough
Tight fist future
Extends and prevents
Big slugger
It's running time
A time for fun
Jam-packed room
Passing the mosque
Now you see me
Grand-mère's quote
The cycle continues
American BBQ
Just another bwidge
Something silly with Javascript
All is expression
Painting the plinten
Resting place
Dead links no more
Non-graphical browsers
Nanotechnology is amazing
Training videos for ASP.NET
Get going or else
Sharp mind and then
Technology gap
Back to school again
Marlies in her room
Boring video
Mess in California
Sweet dreams
Blog survey
Heatwave blues
The flu is no fun
Structure is everything
The power of slants
Battle of the Blog
Back to the real world
20,000 hits
Brothers Fight for France
3573 emails
Blog Anniversary
See you in 3 weeks
Blue M&M
Visitors will come in droves
Curious indeed
Beetle effect
Sheared for good measure
Noon Patrol
Special ceremony
Don't just sit around
California Coastline
Mangled mess
Inner and outer
Yanked out
Display images directory
Finding your Dharma!
Overcoming certain obstacles
Designing with web standards
Ik wil werken
Boringly predictable
Water can think
Lots of water
Another partnership
Line height in CSS
Poised above the nerve
Significant sixty-nine
The house where Kiffin grew up
Rid of the dust
Baseball shoes
First quotation
Hotter and hotter
Climbing to the top
Purest of rage
An unappreciated art
Putting it off
Web Services
Into the deep end
Commify text
Lots of junk mail
Banach-Tarski Paradox
Wearing shorts and bare foot
Floundered again
Boys in bikinis
Fuzzy items
Climb that tree
Early one morning
Talk about ghosts
WiFi is really great
Sweet sixteen
Scraping the internet
Real success
Gish Kids at Easter
Messy hair
Done until and again
We are not alone
Some soma
Step number four
An ad that attracts droves
Shadow ring
Sitemap using Perl
Baghdad has fallen
Let's go
What folks look for
Magnificent catches
Like flotsam
Lots of disorders
Some day
Fast results
Certified at last
T68i mobile phone
Historical marker
Sauna peace and quiet
Orchestrated misinformation
Whims of technology
Increasingly paranoid
Against war
Shadow work
Waste of time
The other choice
Cote d'Azur
Hiding the inevitable
Phobias galore
Lots of poor souls
Productive gaps like this
Innocent chickens
Thought viruses
High fidelity
Mighty sneezes
Voicemail down pat
Need to straighten things
Highest priority
Bush and Saddam
Too many toothbrushes
Not just yet
Like that
Thin ice
Famous cracking
About that time
In the belly of the dragon
Company logo
Knuckle crackers unite
The four Ps
Suppose that
Everything we know is wrong
God's boxes
New name
Ten thousand hits
A landing on the sun
Spinning aftermath
Frozen in time
Bed as trampoline
Weird day
Lots of water
Oversized shoebox
Quit mumbling
No action at all
Another time and place
Could be if not
Niet geschoten
Like a teacup
Be alert
Imaginary tendencies
Full of surprises
Neighbors in meatspace
A religious quest
Another week already
Boring risks
Handboek Freelancen
The mind's ideal career
Venture capital
Crisp dry snow
Another cloned baby
What should I do with my life?
Deja vu but better
Share the goods
Web-design mistakes
Go back to sleep
Thanks to the wire
Two thousand and three
Some brilliant ideas
Day of rest
Some broken glass
Telepathic messages
Home networks mess you up
What else can I say?
Going freelance
Grrl Radio
Get it right this time around
Strings and threads
Spin cycle blues
Random images
Rejected again
New cell-phone Java
Lack of patience
Early neurosis
Geeky stuff
The ice thins
Top referers
Christmas cards again
The ice thickens
Flock of Doves
The Poetry of Programming
You're fired
Freezing my butt off
Figure something out
Grandpa music
So much beauty
Vibrating washing machine
Back to where you started
Do not believe this
Man on the moon
Hard facts of reality
Guys wearing bow ties
Simplicity vs. Innovation
Unique vector
Grinding teeth at night
Barstool blues
Gaming keeps me sane
My son the hooligan
Thoughts about thoughts
It's a ringbaard
Click me
Spam-bots beware
Nothing to do anyway
Poort wijd open staan
Searching for Buddha
Wisp of a smile
First funeral in my life
I am NOT crazy
Fancy menubar
Top phrases
A thousand and one possibilities
Endless corridors
Inside-out is all
Cold sweat
Darn those kids
Deja vu all over again
Bird singing
Ripples which spread
Things to think about
Important presentation
Carry on
Important events
Like dry paper crackling
Aantal gevonden vacatures
Simulated reality
Leaves all over the place
Still no jobs
Beautiful storm
Bloggers beware
Defending the title-attribute
Digital art
Cleaning is not final
Eyes peeled
Maarten's eighth birthday
Death is just the beginning
Looking around for fun
Whirls and whorls
Hunting for a place
Cherry pies
Just waiting
Swayed by the more obvious
High waves crashing
Me you fly
Forty-five again
Naar dieptepunt
Vacuuming can be fun
Tennis farts
Medulla oblongata
Becoming independent
Not sick tomorrow
Ordered books
Positive thinking
Outward forms of change
Upside down
New and improved
Unforeseen objects
No more ghosts
Being interconnected
Tide trickling in
Carry his memory
Preparing first-hand
Snap, crackle and pop
Something in his hand
Very questionable indeed
Trillian Pro is out
Rearrange the furniture
Montage raamhorren
Breaking through
Getting used to
Just a few more days
One year later
Slugs ad infinitum
Blue screen blues
Call it a mirror
Your body is a boat
Prove yourself
Amazing email
Writing the living web
About my dad
Me and McCord
Are you a perfectionist
Middle east chaos
Number one at google
Prince fobi
10,000 and counting
New-and-improved guestbook
What else does a man want in life
Everything and nothing
The wind
New purpose
Jetlag and more
New opportunities
Back home again
Watermelon tastes funny
Middle of wherever
I am me
Parched hard ground
Work hard get far
Exploring together
Made it to the capitol
Parting is such sweet sorrow
Two weeks already
Cannery row
Old forgotten poem
Some observations about America
We made it
Going to California
Freedom of speech almost
Sliding boxes
Busying myself
One year later
Career personality test
Top Searches
Yellow teeth
Two old friends
Weird concentration problem
Library books
Recurring dream
In two weeks
Running a tight schedule
Smudges on the screen
What now
TopStyle Pro
Scraping ends
Stale bread
Guy with duck
Project manager I am
Stolen bike
5000th visitor
Ask mrs. h.
Last breath
Glass eye
More memory
Another blog
Thoughts wedged within
The dog that wasn't there
Illusion of movement
No more music
Fat guy on the train
Billions of neurons
A ship in port
Same painting almost
Communication breakdown
Not necessary at all
You are
Clammy surfaces
Twisted fibers
Seemingly trivial things
Twenty-two years ago
Badged at last
Enlarge your penis
Broken afterall
Cross in the sky
Usual Sunday
From blue to white
Maarten gets injured
How to understand
Traveling first class
Water lilies
Music is meta
Thea's birthday
Cross-browser stuff
Just plain listening
Mud pies
New toy
Used to know her
Fuzzy growth
Phineas Gage
A time to splurge
Bloggers unite
Distant snapping sound
Lost again
Broken fence
One-on-one level
Text to speech
Bottomless pit
Ranting and raving
Perl woes
Cyber warrior
New goal in life
Nothing to say
New pages
Tree and two buildings
Search results
Wires and mosquitos
Trash day
Thea got the job
Infinite knowledge, take two
Queen's birthday
Using the whole brain
Chewing too loudly
Busy week
Let them go
Keep the end in mind
Now or never
Maslow's hierarchy of needs
We are creators
That guy again
So many killed for no reason
Got the job
Back to basics
Ace combat
Coughing and coughing
Interesting possibility
New beginning or else
Translate mind stuff please
Shin splints
Trees over there
Let's roll
Crumbling all over the place
Get me on your pda
Don't jump or else
Strings everywhere
Wooden fort
A fun easter weekend
Explosive personality
Incessant rattling sounds
Cracked about cracks
Rushing too much
Hooking up computers
People are dying
Yet another miracle
Think I'll wait
Three hours extra
Provocative beyond belief
Imaginary strands
Crashing into people
Climate control click
New computer
Obvious again
Judgement day humanoids
Further adventure
Colors which how where
Wild and crazy
First memory
Another computer
Hits so far
Acting weird
All in a room
First jog
Message from my PDA
Drinking coffee
Act normal
Reviewer of blogs
Razor thin
Thunderbirds swooping
Blogger manifesto
Father like that
Telecom blues
Zware storm
Nested list syle images
Protrusions of sorts
But first
Infinite knowledge
I know everything better
Rapid monkey chatter
From now on
Mosaic mind
Slumbering curlicues
A good critical faculty
Looking for carpet
A flash of creativity
Parallel cracks
I am not insane
Somewhere not quite
Chewing meta-candy
Swaying trees singing
Bloggers forum flops
Joe turns forty-five
Activate your web pages
Teenager number two
Rat race irony
Much too busy
Non-neighbor humanoids
Don't sneeze
Máxima Z
Splash and remain afloat
Tactile softness back then
More patients
Spindliest legs around
Paint-blotched jogging pants
I am not thinking
Bag of chemicals
One quantum leap, please
Created by the mind
Locked-in syndrome
Invisible meaning hits true
New bloggers forum
Gretchen likes me
Falling in love with css
Gloria in excelsis deo
Funny story
Back to blogging
With feeling we will get it right
Combination of gases
Sun bleached surface
Space heroes competition
My heart stops missing a beat
Why I am here
Surrender yourself please
How people find me
Child inside of us
I believe we can do it
I am a gnomie
My very first euro
Two twos and two zeroes
Winter storm
A beautiful armpit
I have inexhaustible energy
Please stand up
So much information
Unreachable is okay
The greatest gifts of all
This note is especially for you
Turn around the corner again
Over broken glass
This is a true story
Things are slightly different
Creativity is a gift from the gods
Properties, events, and methods
The W-I-N-D is blowing
Let's humble ourselves
Private idaho
Living in the now
I became a CSS freak
Yet another weblog
First snowflakes are falling
Just outlines of reality
Say good-bye
Arise the Emerald Sky
Jejune is jejune
I would like to meet
Noble path from here to there
Manifestations of the very same primordial form
Not to be necessarily mad
Living for now
Decided to take it easy today
Clicking away of time spent
New blog ring to save the world
My beard was not meant to be
Existence has never been the same again
In search of what is real
Fake plastic trees
What are gibberations exactly?
My son creates a masterpiece
I almost killed someone today
Notice anything different?
George Harrison died today
Started a new blog called dreams
Growing a beard can be hazardous to your health
Routine explained again and again and again
Chatting with Trudi is fun
Still hanging around waiting
Is the preferred assignment realistic?
Another grubby beard
Joining blob webrings in order to get famous
Internet hype again and again
It is kinda fun
Do something with your life or else
After days of preparation it happened
The unmanifested will know itself eventually
The end of the Universe
Beautiful day
This is hard to imagine but it is true
USS Meade DD-602
Strange awakenings inside my left cheek
Time to scrape off the winter ice again
Why are kids so difficult?
Hello my name is Fiffin
Scrolling marquee with random quotations
Ever wondered how I spend my working hours?
Where all of us came from
These are trying times
Nature wins again
Those who dream by day
Sunset in Holland and other special effects
A piece of himself for a piece of his son
It is more than just luck
Everywhere companies are laying people off
Time to celebrate
Maarten turns seven
Exactly one year ago today
My official webcam goes live
Flittering hither and thither
Eye in the sky
Preoccupied with the past
Mechanical and gregarious organisms
Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday
Forty-four is a nice round number
Little bit worried
A big hurrah for Maarten
T-minus six days and counting
Cyber-Gish keeps getting better and better
Endless hallways
Discovered another interesting website
Lowlands of Holland
Wandering the Internet aimlessly again
Dilemmas of parenthood
Today is Kiffin Yates Rockwell's birthday
Today is my father's birthday
Riding on my bike again
Whatever happens good will persevere
Time passes without concern
Confirmation it really happened
A very sad day
Another bizarre dream
Hit counter finally works
Dilemma keeps following me
Hard to believe I have been here for a week
Message from IQUIP
Breaking news from Monterey, California
Web design stuff
I decided to rough it
Once upon a time
Time to change my life
I am not an Einzelgänger
Good-bye CMG
You'll never guess
One year later
I cannot believe it
Horoscope for today
Back at the office
Just got back from Valras Plage
Rush, rush, rush
Ghost town
Thou art to me
I don't know how I did it
Show me a sane man
Before I leave for vacation
Quiet on the road
In a little over a week
Welcome to my own personal Blog!
(Did I really write all of this stuff?)
Recent Comments
- Charles
- jpmcfarlane
- Kiffin
- jpmcfarlane
- KathleenC