Archives by Entry

This is where you can find anything that I've ever written in my blog, every single one of the entries.

Open media vault | New world record | Twelve years | Origin of Kiffin | Burn down this world | Iceland | It isn't | Self mastery | Sardinia | Jong tegen Oud 2024 | Like any other primitive would | Stanford Donnor Reunion | Kiff | Tegen par | Log cabin | Tress of the emerald sea | Two thirds of a century | Mistborn Trilogy | Upcoming champs | Three body problem | Two birdies in a row | Eleven is the magic number | Never too late | CV-ketel | Tap, tap, tap ... | Become a Three.js developer | Minds and machines | 10CC | ThinkPad P14s Gen 4 freezes on shutdown | Puglia | Jong tegen Oud | Just call me Fred | Not bad for an old man | Foggy morning | I almost died | Tot ziens oma | Awesome and incredible | Seven handicap | Chipping skills | Eighteen holes | Golf tips | Ecological disaster | De Koepel | The old man who couldn't stop running | Imaginary barbed wires | What does ChatGPT really have to offer? | 2e plaats | Heren 27-holes hoofdklasse | Radio paradise | I need your help | My new racing machine | Disaster strikes | Costa Rica | Golfbaan Bentwoud | Ten years | Not bad | QCarbon | Passing away | Haxe | Squash | Number theory | Angular CSV to Material Table | Time to call it a day | Say goodbye to Twitter | Nice video (again) | New avatar | Lenovo ThinkPad T14 Gen 3 external monitor hdmi not detected | Vienna again | tsi3 4 wood | Gran Canaria | Old hiking boots | 1995 was a great year | ThinkPad T14 Gen 3 | Rhinotillexomania | TSi3 Driver | Tante Rina | Princenbosch Senior Open 2022 | 21 years ago | 12th floor | Princenbosch Open 27 holes | Suburban art | The Outer Limits | Little spider | OSD Locked | Peloponnese | Life comes before death | Golf team | Old picture | KPN Rotterdam | Escape room | 4th grade | 1976 El Gabilan Salinas High Year Book | Stress and anxiety | Seventy-four | Ik geef | Safe and secure | Sitting alone | Hacked | Kos | Jong tegen Oud 2021 | Chipping practice | AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT Graphics | 224601 | Two birdies and a double-bogie | Fear of spiders | Kaboom | Walk in Drenthe | Two bad holes | Small stone on the road | Freshman roommate | Fever rush | Build your own | Puzzle time | Vaccinatie tegen corona | Don't chew your thumb | In good hands | Round and round we go | My domain belongs to me | Father son tournament | e is irrational | Bye Max | Eight years | 456 million miles | Sorry about the hiatus | (iO) | Repeat last change | Life at a startup | Getting deaf | Old lady | Spy amongst us | Still brothers after all these years | Grand strategy game | The platform for clinical knowledge | Senior Championship | Ups and downs | Masked | What they promised | New job | Near miss | Last trip to tulsa | Happy birthday JavaScript | Embedding Rust in NodeJS applications | Learning from difficulty | Rustlings | Finally golf again | Groene Hart | Stuck at home | Coronavirus | Database hack | Shadow within | Zonnepanelen | Creating a Pixel Platformer in HTML5 | What you control | Napoleon the Great | Quote of the week | HDMI displayport sound delayed on restart | Construct 3 | Array tally | A fun day in Gent | Last thoughts | No respect | Rust | Web components | Angular architectures for enterprise applications | I don't fear death | Data transfer object (DTO) | Another beard | Jong tegen oud | Keep on sporting | Failed to qualify | Interesting challenges | Callaway X Forged Utility Driving Iron | Nice walk | Castles burning | Why we think we're not worthy | Neil Young again | Another thick book | Ninety years old | Trip to Croatia | Quick dip | For the first time | Uitslag Clubkampioenschap Tegen Par | Lowlife | Nice mural | Achter de Wolken Schijnt de Zon | Erratic golf | Geroezemoes | How is it possible? | La Palma | More does not mean better | Middle of nowhere | Big day | Toilet fixed | Sleepwalkers | Running with the wolves | In the middle of nowhere | Jam pot falling | Is this reality? | Sixty-one and counting | Full stack developer | Third place | Suffer consequences | Monster drive | Openingswedstrijd Senioren Dames & Heren | Goodbye dear mother | Greek myths retold | Broke eighty | Fun and interesting workshop | Code rood | Give me strength | First snow | First week at COIN | Another month at Europeana | String of coincidences | Painted hands | Atlassian marketplace | Ubuntu 17.10 | Dare to articulate feelings | Assembla to Jira Migration | Human highway | Next zone coming | Enthusiastic full-stack web developer | Goodbye Luca | One hundred years old | Pencil and paper | Slightly older and not yet over the hill | Ride My Llama | Cease trying to impress | High grass around the green | Even more Haskell | Long weekend in London | Europeana | Zombie country | Simple doesn't mean easy | Practice makes perfect | Time to get serious | Extreme rationality is itself irrational | Grass is growing | Heat wave exercise | Absoluut geen eendagsvlieg | Verkeersovertreding begaan | Slowly improving again | Back in the swing of things | Phone call | Ember, Rails and JSON-API | Putting mat | Perfectionist trap | Perfectionist trap | Late afternoon | Tenerife | Free trade or protectionism? | Meaning of life | Listen to me Marlon | Sneeuw zorgt voor problemen | Frozen crystals | Winter is coming | Captain of the ship | Two weeks | Trump wins | Indian headdress | Birth of the United States Air Force | Mom and me | Word of the day | Haskell illogical | Craftsman tools | Slotwedstrijd heren senioren | Something hidden | Traffic jam | Future famous golfer | Killed during a dogfight | Middleman heroku basic | California again | Building functions | Luiten wins | Gish offspring | Handicap going up | Middleman | Nice shot | 58 | Solved 1 out of 566 problems | Winter bird | Garage wall has been painted | PureScript is better | This blog is 15 years old | Haskell all over the place | Shoe dilemma | Fifteen years later | What holds you back? | Long time no see | Learn elixir and phoenix | Painted forest | Shuffling objects is easier than you think | Code orange | Three interlocking rectangles | Speaking Javascript | In pursuit of excellence | Sciatica | Express in action | Greensome ladder competition | Openingswedstrijd Heren Senioren | Company card | Webdriverio | Three under | Heren 1 Team | Next generation | Gishtech | Four birdies on one hole | Golf muscles | A function called J | launched | Three generations | Prediction is hard | The first cut is the deepest | Vacuuming the house | Confused nature | Exalt beautiful code | Limiting factors for success | Happy new year 2016 | Healthy life again | Absent minded | Travel alert | Terrorists | Millions of leaves | No different from the others | Life of imperfection | We are not any better | Fifteen years ago | Without any three putts | Smartphone takeover | Ebook mania | Dog party | Ryder Cup 2015 | Five digit number | Jong tegen oud | Close call | One hundred and fifty thousand | Lowest handicap | Rijnmond Open 2015 | Nearly a hole-in-one | Phoenix a web framework for the new web | Last slice of cake | Golfing maniac | Fast feedback | NGF Maandbeker op Cromstrijen | Decide at the last possible moment | RESTful Rails Development | Made it to the final day | De pan | Tournament that never was | Dutch senior open | Liam | Andalusia | Thirty-five years ago | Clubkampioenschappen Strokeplay 2015 | kiffin dot nl | Planet claire | Can't putt anymore | Distant light | Recipe for success | Behind a tree | Early to rise | Buddha shrine | Back to work | Mathematical methods | Heren 1 Team | Masters 2015 | Beetje moeizaam | Early morning sunshine | Distant past | Pipe operator | Bridge to the moon | Definition of 'undefined' | Dit heb ik gekocht | Lucky tees | rm -rf node_modules etc. | List comprehensions | Absence of side effects | Valuable tips | Scalability and fault tolerance | Free lunch no more | Paralysis by analysis | Winter moon | Elixir | No time to lose | Nuked facebook | Move your app | Object methods | Short movie | Misophonia | Dance this mess around | Fate is calling | Barrage of questions | Prijzen en winnaars | New research about cancer | More books | Which one? | Bone bruise | Staring at the screen | Salinas | Awesome and cool | So far so good | Minus one and a half | Ladder Greensome at The Dutch | Time warp | Hybrid feels good | Never too old to learn new stuff | Aangeboden door K | Disable image caching | Monument valley | Navy man | Philae's landing | Routes, controllers, models, etc. | Darker earlier | Promise me | Nut tree inn | Golf team again | Riding a solex | Worldwide epidemic | Golf is a science | Names on the wall | Four thousand pages | Ninety-eight years ago | Liemeer Open | Zarafa Tour | Bad knee | Rijnmond Open | New putter grip | Death of a comedian | Being vulnerable is alright | Knee injury | Eagle and four bogies | Dag van Nationale Rouw | Callaway X2 Hot Irons | Clubkampioenschap Tegen Par | Third place | Tied for twenty-fourth | Starting work | Back from Madeira | Madeira | Disqualified | Dutch Senior Open | Club championship | Practice makes perfect | ZCP 7.1.10 final | Seventy years ago | Loud thump | Callaway X2 Hot Pro Driver | Even par after twelve holes | Almost last place | Mindful stop | Having never really lived | Broken url links using google chrome | Putting in the hole | What are values | Cannot upload file | Practice or not? | Alot | Sawing wood again | Feast of crows | Worst round of the year | Recipe for success | Part of history | Senior JavaScript Web Developer | About twenty | To get away | Choke down in bunker | Faster technological progress | Definition of done | Early morning golf | Slight popping sound | Survival through negativity | Moving to Amsterdam | Effective thinking | Cinnamon girl | 3:33 | Exclusive interview | Mother nature | No golf today | Virtualbox very sluggish | Cutting corners | Zarafa | Shaking off the shanks | Gaggia coffee machine | Hit the green for five bucks | Ubuntu on the Thinkpad | Computer networks | Don't let it bring you down | Number shuffle | Last day of the year | A new laptop | More than three weeks | Rails helpers | Shortest day of the year | Raspberry Pi camera | Simple progress bar | False sense of security | Cover and modify | Embrace change | Background image as list bullet | Powered by page | Stack level too deep | Breaking bad habits | The president has been shot | Crazy about ruby | Thick fog | Random banner | Reasonable living | Buried alive | Appending two lists | Thirteen years ago | Very same handicap | True leadership | More practice | Don't feel too confident | Tall tall shadow | Raspberry Pi webserver | Seven days in a row | Davilex Open 2013 | No more shanks | Another techie toy | Address the ball (with confidence) | Ninety-six years | Sugar and spice | Rivulets of blood | Not part of the deal | Authenticity | Anything is possible | A Song of Ice and Fire | Throwing away the past | Driving back and forth | Golf sucks again | Improving daily work | NK Matchplay Heren | Latest searches | Home office | True leadership | Challenging job | Nine hole meltdown | New television | Magic in my heart | Open Strokeplay Kampioenschap van Rotterdam | Wildly improbable | Tuscany | First annual 54-hole marathon | Fullness of soul | Third place | Neil Young at the Ziggo Dome | Veenhomp | Truly modern company | Gish kids eating out | DevOps Summit London | Proud warriors | Terrible day of golf | You can finally comment again | Criss-cross sky | My wife becomes a millionaire | Hole-in-one | Slight swing adjustments | Winter light | Fabric of the universe | Golf no matter what | Walking the tightrope | Golfing in the snow | Cracked in half | Endless cycle of improvement | Three phases of life | Let the good times roll | The more I practise | Recordspits door sneeuwval | USS Meade revisited | Driving to work | Good-bye old friend | First round of golf | Neil Young at Ziggo Dome | My iPhone | She has the fire | Easier said than done | Top five regrets of the dying | Hitting balls again | First snow | Another driver in the family | Working things out | Ramada inn, she loves him so | Whole being | Alot to learn | From certainty to curiosity | Integrated problem solving | Looking around | Everlong | Autumn leaves | Back pains | Big-bang release | Passed away twelve years ago | Luca is six years old | Good-bye Sylvia | From NAND to Tetris | Creating new products | Golf round that never happened | Cool, calm and collected | Lowest handicap ever | Fourth place | Time to go home | Voting for the second time | Driving back home | Nearest worlds and change | Why we die | Defending champion | Rijnmond Open 2012 | Open club face | Tropische hitte | Decide as late as possible | Giving up the game | Time to go | Almost an eagle | Parallel world | Spark of enlightenment | Eleven years ago | Everything comes and goes | Love lies bleeding in my hands | One year ago and a day | Sliver of blue | First day of summer | Seven principles of lean software development | When everything unravels | Bertrand Russell's Ten Commandments | Let your muscles do the work | Atheros wifi driver | Blink of the eye | Last day in California | Lightning fast greens | Slight drizzle but good enough for golf | Back in California | Time to go home | Running against the wind | Getting flayed alive | Last day of the year | Clojure one-liner | Trusting yourself | Remembering and then forgetting | Zuma | Running in the cold | Back to the real world | Mysterious clouds | Daily run | Too much fog | The intuitive mind is a sacred gift | Never too cold to golf | Coincidental gathering of thoughts | Prototypal Inheritance | Kiffin dies for freedom | Ninety-four years and counting | Putting is completely mental | Lunatech fearsome foursome | The Law of Least Effort | Ancient putter is miraculous | Early morning golf | Craziest nine holes ever | How to putt | Bright and dandy and dashed | Even par again after all these years | Not afraid of death | Another Affirmation | Balanced time perspective | Another Kiffin named after Kiffin | Moving forward | High-speed train | First round of the year | De Hans Kruis bokaal | Happy New Year | Another year ahead | Lots of snow | Frankfurt | Quickest route | If it hurts | Winter time | One way to get here | The pro fixed my swing | Near death on the driving range | Fundamental problems | Keeping abreast of mobile apps | MooseX declare and method signatures | Putt slightly higher | Roller coaster golf | Ineffable uniqueness of suffering | Unfortunate chain of events | The waters will part | Ramble on | Golf in Portugal | Complicated technology brings music | Right or left | Another Perl project | Urgent is not urgent anymore | A walk along the Keizersgracht | Popularity is fickle | Where was Kiffin really buried? | Going to Portugal | A human language | Smart match operator | Where is everyone? | Almost a perfect round | Meaningful quotations | Brandnetels everywhere | Keep going | Messed up script | Don't run this command | Secret location | Stellar round of golf | Decisions come and go | Five ways to get it | Ball out of the thick rough | Golfing champs | Just three years | Easy shot | Rotterdam blitz | Just feel it | Webcam rightside up | Giant Gannt Chart | Zombies in the train | Wrong ball, damn | Golf team | Pars and bogies | Volcanic ash | Putting lightly | Duffing chips | Under the rainbow | Shift left | Funny story | Communicating properly | Favorite shot | Stupid light-pole | Enjoy life | Gale-force winds | Secret powers | No more winter greens | Champion of Scotland | Sticky keyboard | Perl on steroids | Seventh Dutch Perl Workshop | Relevant experience | No comment | Magic white pills | Amazing comeback | Coming and going | Painful shoulder | Stars die | Who's late? | Practice and get lucky | Cobweb of cracks | Better luck next time | Greenest nations on Earth | Can't notify daemon | Email from Captain Ted Anderson | Gripping the club | Right then and there | Lots of snow out there | The Gish family has a military history??? | The Rover | Dream on | Winter gloves | Magic of youth | When golf balls look like snowflakes | Beware of errant spaces | Leave Tiger alone | Darkness is approaching | Incessant flicker | New spikes | Honing golf skills | Man nodding and book falling | Two trivial tasks | Realistic affirmation | Normal time | Muddy golfing dilemma | Like a hurricane | Leather hat and beads | Many faces of bash | Watching people watching people | Defecte bovenleiding | Big bag and push cart | Boring train | Six under par | Largish round numbers | Pouring down rain | Last week's potatoes | use autodie | Key to the gates | Weird Dutch characters | Lua and Perl | Hooligan in the Tram | Leaves on the green | Some questions | Where are all the Perl books? | Very first hole | Enthusiastic team | Is &DB::DB defined? | Bash one-liner using Template Toolkit | Not always | The world which surrounds us | More distance | Ten million dollars | Vouwwagen for sale | Those mighty hits | Stop pulling the ball to the left | Everything is numbers | Surrounded by bombs | When in doubt yell fore | Really mobile | Pure chaos | Costa Brava | Stray birds | Avoiding failure | Lua is about right | Reboot notification | Escape from the the grip of the earth | Spinning enterprise-capable solutions | Catalyst book | Bruno the movie | Perl and scrum | Twitter, Movable Type and blog tweeting | Practice makes less perfect | Yet another text message | Moose, mixins and stuff | Screaming kids | Moved to Amsterdam Center | Is Perl conducive to agile development? | Perfect birdie | Sunny days ahead | Offering advice | Farrah Fawcett | Faking email | Del-key unstuck | Managed virtual servers | Sawing wood | Long changed | Gaps of silence | Fell into the water | Ben Hogan Golf Swing | Sticky masking tape | Too positive is not good | Testing should be fun | Foot tapper | Addicted to golf | Painting the dakkappel | Anything can happen | Error opening /dev/pf | Falling down | Array to hash | Rotate better | Rolling around on dead fish | Cannot breath | Nodding off | Don't want to die | Historic telephone call | Padre works | Dependency nightmare | Yanking the ball to the left | When I die | Invalid value | Wrong book | Warn out shoes | Walking the dog | Shameful beard | Update CPAN modules | Array one liner replacement | Iron man blogging challenge | How many modules? | Overcompensating to the left | Chutzpah | Three weeks later | Leaves in the rain gutters | Del-key keeps sticking | Birdie on the first hole | AR242x driver ASUS X59SL Ubuntu 8.10 MadWifi | Directory called tilde | Disappearing panels | Predisposed to depression | Where's the $#@%! wireless connection? | Perl books | Computer-mediated therapy | Reading chair | First birdie of the year | Yawn completely | Sixty-two days | Luca in the water | Meaningful structure | Filled with pins | No more shanks | Cleaning windows | Online therapy | Golfing again | MSI U100 Wind Notebook | Sea of thunder | Financial crisis | 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about me | Computer virus | Early morning shower | Mailing assistant | Plane crash | Financial crisis | First three minutes | Off with the beard | Nine year old boy | Serenity and insolence | Buy books | Thinking positively | So far away | Holding hands | How to sink faster | Broken driver | Perfect job | Some extra cash | This doesn't look good | Attack risks early | Lazy man's flash | Back online | Murdered children | Inserting strings | My heart is still pumping | Random entry | Hamas go home | Time to upgrade | Cheating death | Giant moon | Frozen solid | Random link | Stay positive | Don't cuss | Not a number | Fn and Ctrl keys | Long time no see | Accidental discovery | Other kiffins | Loud crash | Dealing with death | TomTom launches online route planner | Shadowmarch | Bike accident | Bad luck day | Snow flurry | Best I ever had | Getting dark | God is liefde | Eight years ago today | Stand absolutely still | Virtual Windows | Too many leaves | Good-bye Windows Vista | Like a rope let down from heaven | New challenges on the horizon | Intrepid ibex | Just squeeze in | Very same book | Interesting challenge | New laptop | Millions of those gadgets | Crossing the finish line | Sliced big toe | Completed by another hand | Powerful editor | Dam tot Damloop | Average relaxed golfer | Lost my favorite golfing cap | The Epiphany of the False Priest | Almost penalized | Computer books | Mallorca | Squashed slugs | Evening bike trip | Startpagina verkeer | Game plan | Dream machine | Scratchy mass | Interdependence of phenomena | Upgraded blog | Shanks | Novacaine is not for me | Almost a hole-in-one | Aneurysm in my elbow | Mulitlingual callcenter agent | Ryder cup | Dutch handicap | Two weeks of fun and relaxation | What time is | Dry lake | Wet fairways | Battle of Wesnoth | Biking in Amsterdam | Buddhist golfer | Things do exist | Snowing on the links | First birdie | Too much wind | Ready to join | Connection dropped | Queen's birthday | Snoring loudly | Fun in Australia | Brute force attack | Time to change | Shrike lives on | Anonymous self | Scaling storage | The hour of death is uncertain | Laptop fixed | TomTom beats Garmin | TomTom's secrets | Warmer climates than this | One boundary or another | Train porn | Waiting here | Laptop busted | Fun in Barcelona | Truly amazing irons | Spring in action | Still a rock star | Boring experience | One lousy asterisk | Gnome desktop upgrade | Subtle reverberation | Accuracy counts | Time to get up | Big ugly wart | There she flies | Stations galore | Genius dog | Sweet shots | Cherry trees | Seven dog years | Three hundred thousand | Going down under | Half a century | Off to Barcelona | Mumbo jumbo | Fairway woods | Poor guy over there | Whatever that may be | Cycling in darkness | First-time visitors | From slice to draw | Full metro length | First time since he died | Nice driver | Mighty swing | Amazing miracles | Younger years | Dying young | Small world | Time to golf again | Goodbye summer | We're back | Fun and relaxing | Couple hours | Begging for money | Blind guy again | More ways to skin ajax | Partially completed | Kids nowadays | Crick in the neck | Reflected reality | Shaped like a spearhead | Tough luck | Lost my way | Nearly impossible | Uneven or odd | OpenVPN | Tracer bullet | Geocoding | APCUPSD working again | Luca is a dog | Complex project | Agile planning | Remote dialing | New car | Lots of graffiti | Nitin Sawhney | Escape from religion | Scrum master | Another record | Unpredictable world environment | Fatal server error | The God Delusion | Upgrade mess | Seems to be | Warmish sun beating down | Can of beer | Kuhnian view | Slightly different | Overlapping worlds | Wacko mouse wheel | Amazing history | Panopticon | Gorilla escapes | Subtle knife | Web map service | Ubuntu | Simply added | Wind through the trees | Twenty years ago | First day (again) | Mother day | Pretty healthy | Clean ears | Travel time | Save Internet radio | Edge of the world | American food in Reeuwijk-Dorp | Point in space | Fictional meetings | Almost a record | Still hope | Random entry | Coughing and spitting | Bloemendaalseweg | Driest month ever | Testing one two three | Dog's head and wagging tail | Leading role | Bound to happen | Proceed at the moment | Only three years old | Bijzonder warm | Seatbelts are useless | Hello Mr. Gish | Familiar places | Enkele Wiericke | Lekkere pannenkoeken | Standing outside | Old moon fades | Smoke screen | Whisper together | Making gnome-terminal even better | Yet another traffic jam | Exit status | Kids over there | Shaking hands | Fear of cars | Main push living together | Little known fact | Fat guy running | In the waiting line | Orange ball setting | In the light | Recover lost wifi | Tux droid | Chewed up glasses | Neighbor's party | During the walk | Shiny hole | No more windmill | Second day FOSDEM | First day FOSDEM | FOSDEM 2007 | Be careful | Black tower | Personal perception | Baby in a box | Raising kids | Scattered moments in time | Changes | Luca in the snow | Heavy checkmark | Language flow | Clean-up ports | Good-bye Anna | Breathe me | The wreckage | Keyboard shortcut | The men mourned deeply | Take it easy | A number of alternatives | Discovered or not | Trip around the world | Accepting comments | Installing Komodo IDE 4.0 on FreeBSD | Leading | Winking reflex | Yet another misconception | What do you mean? | Yet another wonderful upgrade | Survived again | Initial steps | Flash plugin | Interesting project | Spacecraft | Returning home | In the nick of time | Nel mezzo | Degrees C | Dutch history | Not wrong | Son and niece | Let me say | Plunger | Koffie belangrijke arbeidsvoorwaarde | Somewhere high | Benjy | See your feathers preen | Other day | Another curious tic | Just under the freezing point | Gusting winds | Not enough room | Quick sand of reality | Missing menus | Tired of Sleeping | Slowing down | Every morning | One hundred thousand visitors | Ugly fat | Shoes falling apart | Ever so subtly | Evening sky | Not a prime number | Human-like sounds | Standing there | Don't Bring Me Down | Since whatever | In the middle of nowhere | Right between the eyes | No more buzzing | Heroes | So much easier | Important game | Deceleration and the body | Very last paragraph | There we were | New auto | This or that | Lennart in LA | CORBA basics | Just supposing | Hard to believe | Once in a while | Little display | Hacking and clearing thoat | Flirting with time | Mad rush | Forget and forgive | Interesting | Getting older | White plastic connector | Speeding by | When others die | Dutch passport | Center of town | Format it whatever | Bron-y-aur Stomp | Threatening sky | Glancing at the time | Ninety thousand | Three aggravations | View from below | Long time gone | Afraid of rain | Wacko server | Many raindrops | What's next? | Guy walking | Down South | Komodo broken | Country girl | Too short | Movable Type 3.31 | Canon IXUS 750 | Great idea | Back again | Hero or not | Maybe Tomorrow | Yet another programming language | Drops of rain | Shadow of the Wind | Getting to wherever | Near miss | Making progress | Train back home | Dutch countryside | Tired Of Sleeping | Nothing new | Another suitcase | Can't wait | For what they really are | Server name not in referer | Having a great time | Gnome back to normal | Eighty thousand | See you later | Gnome very sluggish | Otherwise cloudy day | Two weeks ago | Living with war | Digital readout | They stretch nicely | Half Dutch | Burnsall bridge | Wrong side of the road | Family visit | Stuck in the airport | Shortish sojourns | Digital media world | Left or right | Yorkshire hospitality | Soma space station | Knackered | Short but sweet | Harmonic analysis | Now or never | Hacker be gone | Next big thing | Computer glasses | Escaping justice the hard way | Small miracles every day | Use the stairs | Just another house | Crete again | Helping by not helping | Couple of snowflakes | BSD talk | Sporting is bad | Javascript anyone | Nameless scalars | Other side of the road | Too much wax | Oops | Different job | New shoelaces | West Yorkshire is a nice place | Queen of Light | Daily inspiration | Not quite impossible | Another birthday | Favorite characters | Virtual destructor | Hier werden we verliefd | Like a hurricane | Amazing discovery | Can't wait | Missing again | Find it not there | Thinking logically | Strenge vorst | Rule of three | To not to communicate | Koopkracht | Do not turn back | Thank you go in peace | Do not grow up | Smothered to death | Give to radio paradise | One or the other | Another haircut | Available or not | All go for komodo pro | Recursion is recursive | His dark materials | Sabien grows up | Lots to learn | Friendship considered | Most comments | Happy new year | Waiting for next year | Index out of range | Upgrade successful | Great management tool | Microformats | Don't try this at home | Poking backs and wedging elbows | Sixty thousand and counting | Yet another interesting blog | Whoever you are | Same old fears | First snow again | Conflicts with installed packages | Too many books | Still looking | Random sized links | Bron-y-aur Stomp | A serious life | There was this | Twelve plus eleven plus thirty | Lots of music but black as night | Perling in Amsterdam | Thousands of visitors | ICE-unix must be root owned | UPS and running | Two weeks later | No utf-8 for me | Get your point across | Bmindful or not | Faster and faster | Pipe frenzy | Fifteen years of guilt | Scrolling your life away | Imaginary unevenness | Metcalfe's Law | Sharp knife | Fun while it lasted | New civilization | Oh really O'Reilly | Dank u nogmaals | Deep throat | First email message | Fifteen years younger | My ADSL 2+ VoIP IAD | Whipped again | Ding dong ding | Drones | Random string | That's my bike | Slicing hashes | A dog named Kyffin | Simon says | Bury me on the lone prairie | Throwing up is cool | Half-empty wallet | Template toolkit | Geocoder | Still miss him | What to measure | Bucephalas is soothed | Soap and all | Nothing to complain about | Advantage and disadvantage | Thanks amazon | Forty-eight | Thousands of lives | What we find | Future of telephony | Encapsulated cleverness | Better man | Painful handshake | Important decisions | Kelly gang | Duizelingwekkend | Clint's website | Another life for freedom | Forward or backward | Sparkling reflection | Eighty-eight | Butter on your head | Spammed to death | End of all suffering | Bulk package delete | Good-bye Gilligan | Best solution | Web server upgrade | Someone is calling | Simple slurping | Intersecting trajectories | Triple play | No need for novocaine | Another movable type upgrade | Welcome to Kiffin | One direction or the other | Apply transform | Just another commodity | Abruptly stopped | Another facelift | Nothing to eat | Keep us where we belong | Ideal sandwich | Back to work | Yet another day | Refreshed thoughts | Ready to go | Leaving for vacation | Bitter with life | Ninety-nine percent | Some time to think | When things creak and break | Frozen asleep | Only man in the house | Jagged rock and water | Electrocuted again | Just like that | Happy birthday mom | Missing out on the obvious | Other way around | Driven deep into nowhere | No way any more | Twenty-five years ago | Tobacco and alcohol smells | Draft Craft Manifesto | Blue Mars is back | Long live the queen | A teasing wink | Not so distant future | Finally sunny again | Take it | Wait and see | Making your mind up | Crooked floor | Unified modelling language | Success and survival | Not knowing | Mechanical beings | Soap flower | Stump speech | Snoring loudly | So far so good | In that regard | Toughest challenge today | Tearing down the house | All these years | Life as a cyborg | World around you | More than courage | Rochelen | Time to go | Flash plugin up and running | Though gloriously dead | That's what you get | What they said | Not getting anywhere | Awkward dilemma | Lots of snow | Life father like son | Stone slab | Could be true | Once in a lifetime explosion | Difficult choices | Not frozen over | A tap just in case | Relived experiences | Fantastic finish | Toothbrush somersaults | Head hung low | Stiff as a board | Infinite possibilities | Crick in my neck | Hidden secrets | Deep recursion | Communication is fruitless | Another upgrade | Any time now | Day to day urgencies | Over there and back | Deconstructing inifinity | Doing a port upgrade | Out of the blue | History in Newport | Such generosity | Trillions of drifting atoms | North sea dip | Welcome to the real world | Before it is too late | Tsunami | Early morning fright | Holiday spirit | Productive day | Shortest day | Too many months away | Ideal tree | Tante Rina | Giant tidal waves | Gnome up and running | Near disaster | Moon crescent | Two years and two months | Surrounded by hackers | Rolling along | Drugstore binoculars | Something daring | Not so different | Unplugged train | Lots of hail | Back home | Accelerated darkness | Parasitic movements | Real tear-jerkers | Drive by shooting | Old pictures | It might rain today | Jogging at midnight | Many car accidents | Radio nederland | KSBW channel | Fast eaters | Running in the hills | Everything erased | Lifelong friends | French toast | Surprise birthday lunch | Change of weather | Bush wins | Nice feeling | Voting is underway | Sleeping away my vacation | Made it back | Bury the dead | Onwards and upwards | One millennium old | Chaos in the middle of nowhere | Greetings and vegetables | Success of the highest kind | Kiffin's Blog | Staring into nothingness | Educated folks | Similar differences | Two digits add up | All over for sure | Infinite darkness | Long lost episode | Just another spider | Unregistered Comment Moderation | Asleep in Amsterdam | Thanks Kiffin | Which Linux | Jung talk | Figures in a dream-play | Off to California again | Two weeks later | Rather be drenched | Welcome | Having fun beta-testing | Reprogramming reality | Fatima needs money | Good-bye Julia | Run more quickly | Shake me | Pictures of Crete | Not running up to speed | My blog is slowly dying | Next stop or what | Almost future-famous | Gish kids in Phaestos | Pieces and puzzles | Back from Matala | Your whole life | Off to Crete | Contrary to your understanding | Crete will be here soon | Really happening | Just another lightning bolt | Quicksand or bottomless pit | Quality time with the kids | Genetic lottery | Balancing act | Part of nature's way | Ready to bloom | No time to write | Different similarities | Class musical | Keep on creating | Brain rummage | Rock and roll bum | MediaWiki and more | Creative mind | Extremely boring man | From left to right | Good-bye gishteq | Fish tycoon | Forty thousand and rising | Old lady with a fishbowl | The following day | For witch it stands | Bunch of bull frogs | Changing reality | Nodding off | Intelligent life | What I did not | Don't get worked up | Seven in the morning | Those visited most often | Waste of a weekend | Palm T3 | My usual way | Thea's birthday | 3D tour of the planets | Fix those screens | Most visited | Movable Type 3.0 Developer Edition | Nuclear crash | High risks | On the safe side | Releasing negative energy | Trains collide | Thirty-eight thousand | Blame yourself | Bound to happen | Kind of company | True of not | The place to be | Time to splurge again | We'd be elsewhere | Dutch soldier killed | No place for creator | Simple things | Fun while it lasted | So far so good | Three mile canyon | Food wise | I give up | More chickens | More medals please | Standing by the river | Nothing lasts forever | Are you an expert | Looking younger | Neck bones | This is the road | Way around and doubling back | Get the job done | Reunion homecoming | NIHS | Pulling me back | Obfuscated code | Not quite meant to be | Honest about it | Mud and axle-tree | Redding life | Reality testing | A voice from the past | Nothing is happening | Dog barking again | A bunch of children | Good-bye queen | Kirk hits seventy-three | A million atomic bombs | Keep a distance | Other things | Tough question | Unblessed again | Loud sneeze | Spiraling object | Just past the knee | Opa's fiets | Make the best and continue, young man. | Snowing | Marlies my daughter | Thanks to Perl | Random button | Good with the bad | Go for it | Other way around | Busy preparing | Technology take two | Bunch of shapes | Getting pretty darn expensive | Whatever happens | A little bit different | Unawares it happened | Solution selling | Re-experience it | Eternal life | Golden dreams | Birds floating or not | The same person or not | Rearranging continuously | What it's like | The opposite is true | Next please | Tall grass swaying | Pulverized nescafe | Two more to go | Passend werk | Get your youth back | The better path | More snow | Six point four billion folks | Squeaky clean windows | Uncertain landscapes | Integers and strings | New C.G. Jung page | Exact positions | Make a lot of sense | Disappointed enough to kill | Soul movement | No comments | First run of the year | Two thousand and four | Plants all gone | Perfect gift idea | FeedDemon RSS Reader | Just hang around | Youthful philosopher | Kubrick 2001 | Leave the driving (2) | Hanging moon | Almost too cold | Half-moved, half-terrified | Another elaboration | Life begging | Catch it is all | See you around | Altar of crude reality | Don't forget | Onwards into infinity | Different perspectives | Leave the driving (1) | Thirty-thousand and more | Different Kiffin | Obstacles get in the way | Three-pronged approach | Dropping into nowhere | Temple of longing | Spam radio | New perspective | Never too late | Another record | Think things out first | Kiffin in 3D | Better day | Serious drawback | Twenty-six thousand | Just be you | Finland of all places | Endless lists | Telephone rang | Bunch of mountains | Googled to death | Set things straight | Upon deeper reflection | Snow without looking | Belangrijk | Scraping away again | Nine not ten | Thinking now | Twenty-five thousand | Running and running | Churning away | Be there or else | Kill comment spam | Kidnapped again | Pretty darn good | 49 minutes plus | Venco Winegums | What next | Dare the circumstances | Spinning around | Raining and sunny | Business as usual | Break it up | Maslov's pyramid | Falling tree | Not death or hardship | Goofing around | I should of | Time flies | Insight versus courage | Afrit 11 | Awash with colors | Shostakovich symphonies | Lousy sunday | Sorry I forgot | Thinking logically | More searches | Being normal | Being creative | Link toegevoegd | Werkloosheid blijft stijgen | SwishMax is out | Increasing exposure | Kort en bondig is not enough | Tight fist future | Extends and prevents | Big slugger | It's running time | A time for fun | Jam-packed room | Passing the mosque | Now you see me | Grand-mère's quote | The cycle continues | American BBQ | Just another bwidge | Something silly with Javascript | All is expression | Painting the plinten | Resting place | Dead links no more | Non-graphical browsers | Nanotechnology is amazing | Training videos for ASP.NET | Get going or else | Sharp mind and then | Technology gap | Back to school again | Marlies in her room | Boring video | Mess in California | Sweet dreams | Blog survey | Heatwave blues | The flu is no fun | Structure is everything | The power of slants | Battle of the Blog | Back to the real world | 20,000 hits | Brothers Fight for France | 3573 emails | Blog Anniversary | See you in 3 weeks | Blue M&M | Visitors will come in droves | Curious indeed | Beetle effect | Sheared for good measure | Noon Patrol | Special ceremony | Don't just sit around | California Coastline | Mangled mess | Inner and outer | Yanked out | Display images directory | Finding your Dharma! | Overcoming certain obstacles | Designing with web standards | Ik wil werken | Boringly predictable | Water can think | Lots of water | Another partnership | Line height in CSS | Poised above the nerve | Significant sixty-nine | The house where Kiffin grew up | Rid of the dust | Baseball shoes | First quotation | Hotter and hotter | Climbing to the top | Purest of rage | An unappreciated art | Putting it off | Web Services | Into the deep end | Commify text | Lots of junk mail | Banach-Tarski Paradox | Wearing shorts and bare foot | Floundered again | Boys in bikinis | Fuzzy items | Climb that tree | Early one morning | 15000 | Talk about ghosts | WiFi is really great | Sweet sixteen | Scraping the internet | Real success | Gish Kids at Easter | Messy hair | Done until and again | Milkweed | We are not alone | Some soma | Step number four | An ad that attracts droves | Shadow ring | Sitemap using Perl | Baghdad has fallen | Let's go | What folks look for | Magnificent catches | Like flotsam | Lots of disorders | Some day | Fast results | Certified at last | T68i mobile phone | Historical marker | Sauna peace and quiet | Orchestrated misinformation | Whims of technology | Increasingly paranoid | Against war | Shadow work | Waste of time | Bookkeeping | The other choice | Cote d'Azur | Dovetail | Hiding the inevitable | Phobias galore | Lots of poor souls | Productive gaps like this | Innocent chickens | Thought viruses | High fidelity | Mighty sneezes | Voicemail down pat | Need to straighten things | Highest priority | Bush and Saddam | Too many toothbrushes | Not just yet | Like that | Thin ice | Famous cracking | About that time | In the belly of the dragon | Company logo | Knuckle crackers unite | The four Ps | Suppose that | Everything we know is wrong | God's boxes | New name | Ten thousand hits | A landing on the sun | Spinning aftermath | Frozen in time | Bed as trampoline | Weird day | Lots of water | Oversized shoebox | Quit mumbling | No action at all | Another time and place | Could be if not | Niet geschoten | Like a teacup | Be alert | Klantonvriendelijk | Imaginary tendencies | Full of surprises | Neighbors in meatspace | A religious quest | Another week already | Boring risks | Handboek Freelancen | The mind's ideal career | Venture capital | Crisp dry snow | Another cloned baby | What should I do with my life? | Deja vu but better | Share the goods | Web-design mistakes | Go back to sleep | Thanks to the wire | Two thousand and three | Fireworks | Some brilliant ideas | Day of rest | Some broken glass | Telepathic messages | Home networks mess you up | What else can I say? | Going freelance | Grrl Radio | Get it right this time around | Kiffin-dot-org | Strings and threads | Spin cycle blues | Meta-fantasies | Random images | Rejected again | New cell-phone Java | Lack of patience | Early neurosis | Geeky stuff | The ice thins | Top referers | Christmas cards again | The ice thickens | Flock of Doves | The Poetry of Programming | You're fired | Freezing my butt off | Figure something out | Grandpa music | So much beauty | Vibrating washing machine | Back to where you started | Do not believe this | Man on the moon | Hard facts of reality | Guys wearing bow ties | Simplicity vs. Innovation | Unique vector | Grinding teeth at night | Barstool blues | Spies | Gaming keeps me sane | My son the hooligan | Thoughts about thoughts | It's a ringbaard | Click me | Spam-bots beware | Nothing to do anyway | Poort wijd open staan | Winter-cleaning | Searching for Buddha | Wisp of a smile | First funeral in my life | I am NOT crazy | Fancy menubar | Top phrases | A thousand and one possibilities | Endless corridors | Inside-out is all | Cold sweat | Darn those kids | Deja vu all over again | Bird singing | Ripples which spread | Things to think about | Important presentation | Carry on | Important events | Like dry paper crackling | Aantal gevonden vacatures | Simulated reality | Leaves all over the place | Still no jobs | Beautiful storm | Bloggers beware | Defending the title-attribute | Digital art | Cleaning is not final | Eyes peeled | Maarten's eighth birthday | Death is just the beginning | Looking around for fun | Whirls and whorls | Hunting for a place | Cherry pies | Just waiting | Swayed by the more obvious | High waves crashing | Me you fly | Forty-five again | Naar dieptepunt | Vacuuming can be fun | Tennis farts | Medulla oblongata | Becoming independent | Not sick tomorrow | Ordered books | Positive thinking | Outward forms of change | Upside down | New and improved | Unforeseen objects | No more ghosts | Being interconnected | Tide trickling in | Carry his memory | Preparing first-hand | Snap, crackle and pop | Something in his hand | Eighty-five | Very questionable indeed | Trillian Pro is out | Rearrange the furniture | Montage raamhorren | Breaking through | Getting used to | Just a few more days | One year later | Slugs ad infinitum | Blue screen blues | Call it a mirror | Your body is a boat | Atonement | Prove yourself | Amazing email | Writing the living web | About my dad | Me and McCord | Are you a perfectionist | Middle east chaos | Number one at google | Prince fobi | 10,000 and counting | New-and-improved guestbook | What else does a man want in life | Everything and nothing | The wind | New purpose | Jetlag and more | New opportunities | Back home again | Watermelon tastes funny | Middle of wherever | I am me | Parched hard ground | Work hard get far | Exploring together | Made it to the capitol | Parting is such sweet sorrow | Two weeks already | Cannery row | Old forgotten poem | Some observations about America | We made it | Going to California | Freedom of speech almost | Sliding boxes | Meta-parent | Busying myself | One year later | Career personality test | Top Searches | Yellow teeth | Two old friends | Weird concentration problem | Library books | Recurring dream | In two weeks | Running a tight schedule | Smudges on the screen | Crackedty-crack | What now | TopStyle Pro | Scraping ends | Stale bread | Guy with duck | Project manager I am | Stolen bike | 5000th visitor | Ask mrs. h. | Last breath | Glass eye | More memory | Another blog | Thoughts wedged within | | The dog that wasn't there | Illusion of movement | No more music | Fat guy on the train | Billions of neurons | A ship in port | Same painting almost | Communication breakdown | Not necessary at all | You are | Clammy surfaces | Twisted fibers | Seemingly trivial things | Twenty-two years ago | Badged at last | Enlarge your penis | Broken afterall | Cross in the sky | Usual Sunday | From blue to white | Maarten gets injured | How to understand | Traveling first class | Water lilies | Music is meta | Thea's birthday | Cross-browser stuff | Just plain listening | Mud pies | New toy | Used to know her | Fuzzy growth | Phineas Gage | A time to splurge | Bloggers unite | Distant snapping sound | Lost again | Broken fence | One-on-one level | Text to speech | Panglossian | Bottomless pit | Ranting and raving | Perl woes | Cyber warrior | New goal in life | Nothing to say | New pages | Hemelvaartsdag | Tree and two buildings | Search results | Wires and mosquitos | Trash day | Thea got the job | Infinite knowledge, take two | Stamkaart | Queen's birthday | Using the whole brain | Chewing too loudly | Busy week | Let them go | Keep the end in mind | Now or never | Maslow's hierarchy of needs | We are creators | That guy again | So many killed for no reason | Got the job | Back to basics | Ace combat | Coughing and coughing | Interesting possibility | New beginning or else | Translate mind stuff please | Shin splints | Trees over there | Let's roll | Crumbling all over the place | Get me on your pda | Don't jump or else | Strings everywhere | Wooden fort | A fun easter weekend | Explosive personality | Incessant rattling sounds | Cracked about cracks | Rushing too much | Hooking up computers | People are dying | Yet another miracle | Think I'll wait | Three hours extra | Provocative beyond belief | Imaginary strands | Crashing into people | Climate control click | New computer | Obvious again | Judgement day humanoids | Further adventure | Hornswoggle | Colors which how where | Wild and crazy | First memory | Another computer | Hits so far | Goedemiddag | Acting weird | All in a room | First jog | Message from my PDA | Drinking coffee | Act normal | Reviewer of blogs | Razor thin | Thunderbirds swooping | Blogger manifesto | Father like that | Telecom blues | Zware storm | Nested list syle images | Protrusions of sorts | But first | Infinite knowledge | I know everything better | Rapid monkey chatter | From now on | Mosaic mind | Slumbering curlicues | A good critical faculty | Looking for carpet | A flash of creativity | Parallel cracks | I am not insane | Somewhere not quite | Chewing meta-candy | Swaying trees singing | Bloggers forum flops | Joe turns forty-five | Activate your web pages | Teenager number two | Rain | Rat race irony | Much too busy | Non-neighbor humanoids | Don't sneeze | Máxima Z | Splash and remain afloat | Tactile softness back then | More patients | Spindliest legs around | Paint-blotched jogging pants | I am not thinking | Bag of chemicals | One quantum leap, please | Created by the mind | Locked-in syndrome | Invisible meaning hits true | New bloggers forum | Gretchen likes me | Falling in love with css | Gloria in excelsis deo | Funny story | Back to blogging | With feeling we will get it right | Combination of gases | Sun bleached surface | Space heroes competition | My heart stops missing a beat | Why I am here | Unmanifested | Surrender yourself please | How people find me | Child inside of us | I believe we can do it | I am a gnomie | My very first euro | Two twos and two zeroes | Winter storm | A beautiful armpit | I have inexhaustible energy | Please stand up | So much information | Unreachable is okay | The greatest gifts of all | This note is especially for you | Turn around the corner again | Over broken glass | This is a true story | Things are slightly different | Creativity is a gift from the gods | Properties, events, and methods | The W-I-N-D is blowing | Let's humble ourselves | Private idaho | Living in the now | I became a CSS freak | Yet another weblog | First snowflakes are falling | Just outlines of reality | Say good-bye | Arise the Emerald Sky | Jejune is jejune | I would like to meet | Noble path from here to there | Manifestations of the very same primordial form | Not to be necessarily mad | Living for now | Decided to take it easy today | Clicking away of time spent | New blog ring to save the world | My beard was not meant to be | Existence has never been the same again | In search of what is real | Fake plastic trees | What are gibberations exactly? | My son creates a masterpiece | I almost killed someone today | Notice anything different? | George Harrison died today | Started a new blog called dreams | Growing a beard can be hazardous to your health | Routine explained again and again and again | Chatting with Trudi is fun | Still hanging around waiting | Supercalifragilistic | Is the preferred assignment realistic? | Another grubby beard | Joining blob webrings in order to get famous | Internet hype again and again | It is kinda fun | Do something with your life or else | After days of preparation it happened | The unmanifested will know itself eventually | The end of the Universe | Beautiful day | This is hard to imagine but it is true | USS Meade DD-602 | Strange awakenings inside my left cheek | Time to scrape off the winter ice again | Why are kids so difficult? | Hello my name is Fiffin | Scrolling marquee with random quotations | Ever wondered how I spend my working hours? | Where all of us came from | These are trying times | Nature wins again | Those who dream by day | Sunset in Holland and other special effects | A piece of himself for a piece of his son | It is more than just luck | Everywhere companies are laying people off | Time to celebrate | Maarten turns seven | Exactly one year ago today | My official webcam goes live | Flittering hither and thither | Eye in the sky | Preoccupied with the past | Mechanical and gregarious organisms | Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday | Forty-four is a nice round number | Little bit worried | A big hurrah for Maarten | T-minus six days and counting | Cyber-Gish keeps getting better and better | Endless hallways | Discovered another interesting website | Lowlands of Holland | Wandering the Internet aimlessly again | Dilemmas of parenthood | Today is Kiffin Yates Rockwell's birthday | Today is my father's birthday | Riding on my bike again | Whatever happens good will persevere | Time passes without concern | Confirmation it really happened | A very sad day | Another bizarre dream | Hit counter finally works | Dilemma keeps following me | Hard to believe I have been here for a week | Message from IQUIP | Breaking news from Monterey, California | Web design stuff | I decided to rough it | Once upon a time | Time to change my life | I am not an Einzelgänger | Good-bye CMG | You'll never guess | Hangup | One year later | I cannot believe it | Horoscope for today | Back at the office | Just got back from Valras Plage | Rush, rush, rush | Ghost town | Thou art to me | I don't know how I did it | Show me a sane man | Before I leave for vacation | Quiet on the road | B A N J A | In a little over a week | Welcome to my own personal Blog!

(Did I really write all of this stuff?)

Random entries

Here are some random entries that you might be interested in:

Recent Assets

  • openmediavault-dashboard.png
  • openmediavault.png
  • new-world-record.png
  • iceland.png
  • poppy-wars.png
  • sardinia-small.png
  • jong-tegen-oud-2024.png
  • tegen-par-2024-2nd-place.jpeg
  • stanford-reunion.png
  • kiff.png
  • hoid.png
  • Dad-in-front-of-log-cabin.png

Recent Comments

  • Long time no see: I remember them, as well. I remember Donald was my ...
    - Charles
  • Bridge to the moon: Yes it was a drawing and my older brother told me ...
    - jpmcfarlane
  • Bridge to the moon: Wow, that's quite a coincidence that we both sent ...
    - Kiffin
  • Bridge to the moon: Hello I was in my teens when Gemini 4 went up that ...
    - jpmcfarlane
  • Back to work: Congratulations Kiffin, I hope it is something you ...
    - KathleenC

Golf Handicap


This personal weblog was started way back on July 21, 2001 which means that it is 7-21-2001 old.

So far this blog contains no less than 2528 entries and as many as 1877 comments.

Important events

Graduated from Stanford 6-5-1979 ago.

Kiffin Rockwell was shot down and killed 9-23-1916 ago.

Believe it or not but I am 10-11-1957 young.

First met Thea in Balestrand, Norway 6-14-1980 ago.

Began well-balanced and healthy life style 1-8-2013 ago.

My father passed away 10-20-2000 ago.

My mother passed away 3-27-2018 ago.

Started Gishtech 04-25-2016 ago.