
This page contains a bunch of statistics about this website that you might find interesting.

visitors / search phrases / blog entries / reference


Here are the total and unique visitors during the last six months.


Search phrases

Here are the top fifty search phrases during the last six months.

Blog entries

Here are the fifty most popular blog entries during the last six months.


Thanks to good old awstats.


This personal weblog was started way back on July 21, 2001 which means that it is 7-21-2001 old.

So far this blog contains no less than 2498 entries and as many as 1877 comments.

Recent Entries

  • Jong tegen Oud
    As tradition would have it, the end of the golfing season marks the yearly Jong Tegen Oud Matchplay Tournament. This is a long awaited ... >>
  • Just call me Fred
    Second place bruto men with a 77 from the back tees, and they still insist on calling me Fred. ... >>
  • Not bad for an old man
    It was raining pretty hard in the morning, and with a bogie on the first three holes, I wasn't feeling that confident. Despite the ... >>
  • Foggy morning
    Where's the %$#@&%$! hole?! ... >>
  • I almost died
    "I almost died but was reborn. The only thing that I've learned is that life is about suffering. There's no escaping from it. That's ... >>